Diamond Shape Guide – Asscher Cut

Often mistaken for emerald cut diamonds, asscher cut diamonds are similar, however, they are square in shape rather than rectangular. Created in the early 1920s, the asscher cut has seen a recent resurgence in popularity. This cut shows off the clarity and color of...

October Birthstone: Opal

Happy Birthday, October! The October birthstone is opal. The opal gets its name from the Latin word “opalus,” meaning “precious jewel,” and is prized for its unique ability to refract and reflect light into the shimmering rainbow of colors it...

Shape Guide: Radiant Cut Diamonds

Radiant cut diamonds are special for their uniquely trimmed corners, combining the lines of an emerald cut with the unparalleled brilliance of a round diamond. Radiant cut diamonds are also gorgeous when combined with a variety of other diamond cuts! While a...

September Birthstone: Blue Sapphire

Happy Birthday, September! The September Birthstone is the Blue Sapphire. Named for the Greek word “sapphirus,” meaning the color blue, Sapphires have long been a favorite. Ancient civilizations said that the world was set upon an enormous sapphire, which...

Diamond Shape Guide – Emerald Cut

Emerald cut diamonds are special in their rectangular facets that are step-cut into the stone’s pavilion, giving emerald cut diamonds a unique optical appearance. This cut highlights the clarity of the diamond beautifully due to the large rectangular...